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    ​创造 · 创新 · 精细 ​走进前宏 关于前宏 全球布局 制造能力 研发团队 社会责任 经营理念 前宏荣誉 ​关于前宏 成都前宏通讯有限责任公司坐落于成都市新都区始建于1995年,在当地政府的大力支持和扶助下,经过二十九年的持续发展,成都前宏公司从同行业中脱颖而出现已成为当代中国通讯设备制造业的发展典范,荣获为国家高新技术创新企业 本公司采用全球先进生产设备,专业生产销售各类通讯网络工程机柜及光纤宽带系列产品,3G,4G基站配套产品.秉持"创新,创造,精细"的经营理念,产品销售已遍布国内外多个地区如美国.哥伦比亚,巴西,愚西哥,约旦,巴基斯坦,沙特 意大利,土耳其阿联 迪拜等全球130多个国家已建立了良好的合作关系,并取得了优异的成绩本公司占地面积30000平方米,现有员工300余人各类专业技术和管理人员200余人,注册资本1.02亿元 全球布局 前宏布局全球130多国 亚洲 · 大洋洲 欧洲 美洲 非洲 ​土耳其·以色列 韩国 新加坡 中东·沙特·迪拜 中亚斯坦国家 ​ ​b巴基斯坦 印度·孟加拉 ​斯里兰卡 ​马来 ​·泰·缅 ​菲律宾· 印尼 ​巴布亚新几内亚 成都 澳洲·新西兰 布局亚洲 · 大洋洲42国 致力于为客户提供高质量、高效率的通信解决方案。无论是个人用户还是企业客户,都可以在前宏通讯的享受到稳定、快速、安全的通信服务。前宏通讯将继续扩大其业务规模,提升服务品质,成为亚洲和大洋洲地区领先的通信服务提供商之一。 西班牙·意大利 俄罗斯· 乌克兰 ​白俄罗斯 ​英国·爱尔兰 ​ 希腊 ​罗马尼亚 塞尔维亚 挪威 拉脱维亚 法国 · 德国 成都 布局欧洲39国 销售各类通讯网络工程机柜及光纤宽带系列产品,4G、5G基站配套产品,秉持“创新,创造,精细”的经营理念,产品销售已遍布39个欧洲国家地区 洪都拉斯 秘鲁·厄瓜多尔 ​玻利维亚 ​加拿大 美国 墨西哥· 巴西 巴拉圭·乌拉圭 巴拿马·尼加拉瓜 哥伦比亚 巴拿马·尼加拉瓜 哥伦比亚 智利 阿根廷 成都 布局美洲29国 致力于为客户提供高质量、高效率的通信解决方案。无论是个人用户还是企业客户,都可以在前宏通讯的享受到稳定、快速、安全的通信服务。前宏通讯将继续扩大其业务规模,提升服务品质,成为美洲29国的通信服务提供商之一。 摩洛哥​ ​阿尔及利亚 埃及 加纳 苏丹·莫桑比克 南非 肯尼亚布隆迪 坦桑尼亚 ​马拉维 津巴布韦 成都 布局非洲23国 非洲作为接下来50年的经济增长点,作为通信行业的领军企业,前宏通讯将继续为非洲地区提供高效稳定的通讯服务,推动当地经济发展和社会进步,为人们创造更好的生活体验。 ​制造能力 荟萃国内外高新技术设备赋能高质生产制造 我们的生产力 公司占地3000m²,拥有员工300+人,其中14人以上为专业工程师,且平均工作经验均超过12年。 ​ 24台金属切割及冲压机器 ●德国通快TRUMPFTru-laser 3030 ●德国通快TRUMPF Tru-punch 5000 ​ 12台金属折弯机器 ●意大利SALVAGNINI(S2+P2) ​ 电镀/粉末喷涂中心模具设计和生产中心 ●57台注塑成型机器 ●36个全自动机械手, ●4条自动物料传送带, ●1套中央供料系统。 24台 金属切割及冲压机器 12台 金属弯折机器 57台 注塑成型机器 36个 全自动机械手 4条 自动物料传送带 1套 中央供料系统 研发团队 前宏的专业研发团队 庞大的人才队伍 团队目前有300+名,其中14人以上专业工程师均超过12年工作经险, 专业的工程团队 企业技术中心常设机构编制数为65人,现有人员63人,公司研发和实验的人员来自通信、电子、软件开发等相关专业。 强大的自主研发能力 能力覆盖多种需求,可自主研发、设计,生产各种塑料及钣金产品可根据客户要求设计,制作生产模具。 社会认可 技术中心获得的各类产品专利及软件著作权授权数达到140余项,并且荣获四川省科学技术厅颁发的《高新技术企业》和四川省经济和信息化委员会、四川省发展和改革委员会等颁发的《四川省企业技术中心》证书。 经验丰富 模具加工中心在模具设计、产品设计、产品项目开发设计方面有着丰富的管理经验,丰富的设计加工能力,缩短产品及模具开发周期。 为环境友好型社会努力 先后取得了RoHS等认证,我们相信,只有秉持着环保的核心理念,才能打造出真正优质、可靠的产品。 质量至上主义 始终坚守“致力于通过对基础材料、基础技术的研究,创造出值得信赖的创新产品与解决方案,为我们的客户创造价值”的使命,以客户满意、结果导向、追求极致、勇于担当 用户的安全健康管理为己任 先后取得了CE等认证,使消费者或产品使用者享有健康、安全和环保。 ​ 公平健康竞争 前宏进一步提升公司的企业形象,塑造行业品牌,提高品牌影响力和竞争力。取得世界各地区市场许可,公平竞争。 社会责任 ​查看前宏担当的社会责任 经营理念 创造·创新·精细 “ 公司一致秉承“创造、创新、精细”的经营理念,保持“质量是生命,创新为轴心”可循环发展观,以过程管理为基础对产品实现流程进行有效管控,最大化整合一切与客户需求有关的产品链资源, 稳固且积极的开展公司与客户、公司与供应商、 公司与员工的合作关系, 引导和携手相关方共同努力、积极创造 在管理活动和生产活动中树立诚信、 精益求精的人文品格和生产作风, 精耕细作,把握每个作业细节, 使生产出的每件产品都是 优质、安全、放心的产品 ” 联系我们 前宏荣誉 前宏将持续坚持以客户为中心,创新产业发展模式,为客户创造价值。


    核心技术驱动全球通信建设设备领先地位 让梦想与创新同行,让我们与未来共进 了解详情 订阅申请公司介绍资料 请填写邮箱 提交 谢谢订阅 Thanks for submitting! ​关于前宏 坐落于成都市新都区,始建于1995年。在当地政府的大力支持和扶助下, 经过二十余年的持续发展, 成都前宏公司从同行业中脱颖而出,现已成为当代中国通讯设备制造业的发展典范,荣获为国家高新技术创新企业。 制造能力 24台金属切割及冲压器+12台金属折弯机,包括德国通快TRUMPF Tru-laser 3030, Tru-punch 5000及意大利SALVAGNINI (S2+P2),57台注塑机、36个全自动机械手、4条自动物料传送带和1套中央供料系统。 300+名员工,其中14人以上为专业工程师且均超过12年工作经验。 可自主研发、设计、生产各种塑料及钣金产品, 可根据客户要求设计、制作生产模具。 研发团队 社会责任 我公司已通过以下认证 ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 14001:2015 SA 8000:2014OH | SAS18001:2007 等国家级认证,管理体系经得起推敲,值得信任 1995 1224 1224 120+ 创立年份 完成项目 合作伙伴​ 获得 专利 新闻动态 ​前宏积极参加国内外各大通信行业展览,在第一线深入洞察市场行情。 查看更多 2月28日 参加世界移动通信大会,展示领先技术与创新产品 2月19日 复工通知 2月1日 我们将前往西班牙巴塞罗那参加2024 MWC展会 成为全球通信建设设备的优秀供应商与领导者 二十九年的积累沉淀,只为提供更好服务。 成都前宏通讯有限责任公司坐落于成都市新都区,始建于1995年. 在当地政府的大力支持和扶助下, 经过二十余年的持续发展, 成都前宏公司从同行业中脱颖而出,现已成为当代中国通讯设备制造业的发展典范。 ​ 2012年专设企业技术研发中心,现有人员63人,公司研发和实验的人员来自通信、电子、软件开发等相关专业,从事专业技术平均年限达到 10 年以上。 了解更多 我们的核心价值 我们的核心价值介绍 创 造 注塑年产能160+万件,户外通信柜月产量可达1000件,片装热缩管保持2000平方米日产能 创 新 开设企业技术研发中心11年来累计产出覆盖多个国家的120余件核心专利技术 精 细 0.15~0.6mm产品可成型最小厚度是我们的深度,0.01~0.001mm注塑精度公差是我们的态度 ​共 赢 1224位合作伙伴遍及130多国家与地区,携手合作齐心协力,占领行业制高点 诚 信 树立诚信人文品格和生产作风,使生产出的每件产品都是优质、 安全、放心的产品 ​全球布局 我们的服务已覆盖全球130+个国家 成为全球通信建设设备的优秀供应商与领导者 Qian hong ​42 国 ​亚洲·大洋洲 ​29 国 ​美洲 3 9 国 ​欧洲 23 国 非洲 了解更多

  • NFC access control all-in-one machine MJ-SK87E, Qianhong Communication

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Terminal and Server NFC access control all-in-one machine MJ-SK87E Access control and sound column equipment ​ Key selling points (1) Independent reset chip, the system will never die (2) 100,000 users, 100,000 credit card records (3) Identification mode support IC card, ID card (read UID), CPU card and other all-in-one (4) National standard products after various strict tests Each main parameter index Each main parameter index 点击下载产品手册 相关产品

  • GJS03-M6AX-96C-I(GP339), Qianhong Communication

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Telecommunication GJS03-M6AX-96C-I(GP339) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 6 The product is suitable for outdoor fiber optic cable overhead, pipeline and other straight-through splicing and divergent splicing, the product has high strength mechanical properties, high sealing performance, strong corrosion resistance, excellent weather resistance, etc., can be mechanically repeated to open, high maintainability; reasonable structure layout, simple and quick construction operation. Application Scenario Outdoor overhead, pipeline and other common fiber optic cable splice splicing, can be used for urban or urban and rural common fiber optic network splicing protection. Performance characteristics 1、The shell is produced by injection molding process of high-quality engineering plastics, with anti-UV and anti-aging additives, high mechanical strength; 2、The box body adopts single-ended in and out of the optical cable design structure, easy to install overhead hanging rods and other barrels can be quickly opened for maintenance and repair; no tools are required to open the box body; 3、the shell and the bottom with silicone rubber sealing ring, optical cable mouth using temperature-resistant heat-shrinkable tube sealing, good airtightness; 4、Box with electrical disconnection or connection function, optional air nozzle. Technical parameters or parameters table 1、Adapted to the ambient temperature: -40℃~+65℃. 2、Atmospheric pressure: 70~106Kpa. 3、Axial tension: 〉1000N/1min or more. 4、flattening: the box is filled with 40 ± 5kpa air pressure, should be able to withstand 2000N/100mm lateral uniform pressure, the force time is not less than 1min, after the test joint box does not leak, no deformation, no damage. 5、 impact: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a drop height of 1m, the mass of the steel ball 1.6Kg, the number of impacts for 3 times the impact. 6、bending: fiber optic splice box and fiber optic cable joints should be able to withstand bending tension load of 150N, bending angle ± 45 ° of 10 cycles of bending. 7、torsion: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a torque of not less than 50N-m, torsion angle ± 90 °, a total of 10 cycles of twisting. 8、Drop: The fiber optic cable connector box should be able to withstand 3 drops at a height of 2.2m, and after the test, the connector box should not leak, no deformation, no damage. 9、tensile strength: 〉2000N/10cm2 pressure, time 1min. 10、vibration: splice box to withstand vibration frequency of 10Hz, amplitude of ± 3mm, the number of vibration for 106 vibration, the fiber additional loss change value does not exceed 0.2dB. 11、Temperature cycle: -40℃~+65℃, internal air pressure 40(+5)Kpa, 10 times cycle, air pressure drop not more than 5kpa after room temperature. 12、fiber radius of curvature > 30mm, fiber splice tray additional attenuation ≤ 0.01dB. Commonly used tools for construction cross cutters, heaters or spray guns, sawyers, tape measures. Parameter table Model: GJS03-M4AX-AL-12-672C(GP321) Box material: PP Adapt to the diameter of fiber optic cable: oval hole: 10-25mm; small hole: 8-30mm Number of cable entry ports: 2+16 Maximum capacity of fusion fiber tray (core): 12 Maximum number of fusion cores (cores): 672 Fiber optic residual fiber intake device: Yes Sealing method: mechanical + heat shrink seal Fiber into the end type and the number of - Product use environment: overhead, pipeline, buried 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图5.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/5 GJS03-M6AX-48C(GP223) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 6

  • Outdoor Cabinets - Equipment Cabinets, Qianhong Communication

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Telecommunication Outdoor Cabinets - Equipment Cabinets Sheet Metal The equipment cabinet for base station is an outdoor equipment for communication base station to provide related hardware equipment installation, which can install communication integrated main equipment, communication transmission equipment, power supply equipment, ODF, dynamic loop monitoring, etc., and provide temperature control solutions, with safe and reliable, strong anti-theft performance, low noise, good heat dissipation, occupy little space, etc., which can help customers to achieve rapid site selection and rapid deployment, and greatly enhance the communication System platform upgrade support comprehensive service capacity. Product Benefits (1) Small and beautiful, compact housing (less than 0.8 m2/unit) (2) Modular design, with high reliability, simple maintenance, flexible combination according to the different needs of customers (3) Support multi-scene and multi-functional applications (rooftop stations, street stations, suburban stations, operator co-stations, etc (4) Made of high quality hot-dip galvanized sheet with flame retardant material (5) Good insulation effect (PU core not less than 45MM) (6) Low cost of site selection (7) Compatible with multi-vendor devices (8) Support cabinet expansion (9) Intelligent temperature control system (10) Can replace traditional server rooms Product Type Product use (1) Cabinet installation and fixing function: can install fixed IT equipment, servers and other equipment, the main fixing method is 19-inch rack installation, fixed on the U system column, the main frame of the cabinet and U system column design is convenient to install equipment, and the load-bearing capacity is relatively strong, so the cabinet can be installed in all standard equipment (2) Cabinet line management function: the cabinet has a variety of internal line management slot, line management frame, line management board and alignment channel, etc., to provide a very convenient wiring management for a variety of equipment installed inside the cabinet (3) Cabinet protection function: the cabinet is a relatively closed space, the cabinet door can be closed to the internal equipment to play a protective role to prevent damage from the outside, such as rats can be prevented from entering the cabinet inside the equipment or cable into the line damage (4) The cabinet can integrate UPS power supply, power distribution, refrigeration, access control, cabinet, lighting, fire protection, dynamic monitoring, emergency ventilation and other systems, through the monitoring system to complete the integrated management of all subsystems (5) Provide reliable temperature control and regulation system for the full and stable operation of communication transmission equipment (6) Provide reliable grounding protection system for communication transmission equipment and cabinets Product application tools Base station equipment cabinet can be fully applied to business outlets (telecommunications, finance, energy, radio and television, retail) small businesses, large enterprises, government, education, medical branches and networks between the edge of the data center, the use of tools need to be applied to: fusion machine, fiber optic cutting knife, fiber optic tester, pen red light source, optical power meter, dissecting pliers, diagonal pliers, screwdriver, the need to prepare the construction materials are: Anhydrous ethanol, adhesive tape, flexible plastic tape, fireproof mud, corrugated pipe, etc. Frequently Asked Questions Do you support non-standard product customization in addition to the above equipment sizes? Support, customers can put forward specific requirements according to their needs, the company supports non-standard customized products, the internal size of the product can be customized, 19/21 inches can be customized. What is the difference between a base station equipment cabinet and a traditional cabinet? The base station equipment cabinet will be a deep integration of data center infrastructure equipment products, including UPS, power distribution, refrigeration, cabinets, fire protection and other subsystems, through the monitoring system to complete the overall management of all systems, simplifying the design and establishment process, reliable UPS power distribution system, from time to time to protect the IT equipment, while configured with a precision cooling system to ensure normal operation of IT equipment, with dynamic loop monitoring The system monitors the working status of the equipment in real time. Base station equipment cabinets are fully sealed and can be used in a variety of harsh indoor environments, without the need to set up a separate room. What are the advantages of base station equipment cabinet? (1) Compared with the traditional server room, the base station equipment cabinet structure is simpler, factory pre-verification testing compared to on-site construction construction is more standardized, safe and reliable; fully sealed design to eliminate external air dust and corrosive gases on IT equipment; dynamic loop monitoring system to monitor the infrastructure in a comprehensive manner, timely warning of abnormal conditions, security and worry-free. (2) More time-saving and labor-saving construction of the site, the modular design of the product allows the site to be installed and delivered within a day, more than 2 times faster than the traditional construction mode. (3) smaller footprint, a single cabinet covers an area of only 0.6m2 minimum, closed design, strong environmental adaptability, no decoration, flooring and other supporting works, effectively reducing the cost of building the station, fully enclosed refrigeration to enhance the energy efficiency of the whole machine, so that the total cost of ownership significantly reduced. (4) better management, one-stop after-sales service can deal with all kinds of equipment failure problems in a timely manner, saving time and effort; standard with dynamic loop monitoring system, local, remote monitoring and management, more multi-network access to the upper management platform unified supervision, diversified options to support. (5) Integrated and integrated design, integrated cabinet integration of UPS power supply, power distribution, refrigeration, access control, cabinets, lighting, fire, dynamic monitoring, emergency ventilation and many other systems, through the monitoring system to achieve integrated management of all subsystems to create an integrated product, simplify the design, procurement and construction process. 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 1/2 Traditional fiber optic cable transfer box Sheet Metal 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/17 Fiber optic cable termination box Sheet Metal 1/1 All-in-one fusion tray Sheet Metal 1/2 No-jump fiber optic cable transfer box Sheet Metal

  • Face recognition temperature measurement all-in-one machine MJ30-2T07, Qianhong Communication

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Terminal and Server Face recognition temperature measurement all-in-one machine MJ30-2T07 Face recognition all-in-one machine ​ Key selling points (1) Live detection: effective protection against attacks such as photos, videos and models (2) Mask detection: 85% accuracy of mask recognition, meeting the requirements of conventional mask detection, supporting mask wearing tips, and at the same time can be associated with access control; ±0.3℃; best detection distance 0.4m; support abnormal body temperature alarm (threshold value can be set) (3) IC card verification: support recognition of IC cards, NFC cards, etc (4) Health code verification: red/yellow code alarm, green code access (5) Voice announcement: support health code verification result, nucleic acid test result and time announcement, body temperature verification result announcement, and mask wearing prompt announcement Each main parameter index Product key parameters 点击下载产品手册 相关产品

  • 人脸抓拍摄像机MJ-ESF801-PI, 成都前宏

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 终端和服务器 人脸抓拍摄像机MJ-ESF801-PI AI类摄像机 ​ 主要卖点 (1) 支持人脸抓拍功能 (2) 支持人脸智能曝光模式 (3) 支持多种人脸抓拍模式 (4) 支持Smart IR (5) 支持人脸区域识别、区域屏蔽、人脸ID统计以及多种人脸参数设置 各项主要参数指标 产品关键参数 点击下载产品手册 相关产品

  • 户外机柜—五舱综合柜, 成都前宏

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 通信 户外机柜—五舱综合柜 钣金 基站用五舱综合柜是为通信基站及其相关设备提供安装空间并提供不间断电源的专用柜体,机柜将传统宏基站基带处理单元(BBU)和射频处理单元(RRU)分离,BBU和RRU之间按照协议通过光纤连接,完成基带数据的传输,在网络部署时实现“BBU集中设置,RRU拉远覆盖”的功能,并对其覆盖的区域进行统一管理和动态分配,提升资源利用率,降低能耗,同时通过对协助化技术的有效支持从而提升网络性能,配置主干光缆连接,通过光纤资源连接与分配,充分整合传输网、接入网资源优势,构建固移融合的5G网络架构,有效解决无线、有线接入综合多场景应用需求,为未来5G传输网络下沉,数据边缘计算等应用作准备,机柜可以服务于多个基站、微站及连接下一个三舱机柜,组成一个环状光传输网络,为各种无线网点提供灵活、分布式的网络连接,主要应用于5G骨干网络节点、传输网综合业务区的建设和维护,并为整个产品提供一整套温控解决方案,具有安全可靠、防盗性能强、噪音低、散热效果好、占用空间小等特点,可帮助客户实现快速选址建站、快速部署,极大提升通信系统平台升级配套的综合服务能力。 产品优点 (1) 小型集成化:产品外形尺寸高*宽*深:2200*3200*1200,占地约为3.85㎡) (2) 模块化设计:具备高可靠性,维护简单,可根据客户差异需求,灵活组合 (3) 集中化:可以大大减少机房的数量,从而减少建设及运维成本,实现配套资源的有效共享 (4) 安全性:可靠的供配电系统和后备电池,动环控制及监控系统,保障设备的运行安全 (5) 节能化:大量节省基站空调及配套设施,减少了能耗和排放,降低大量基站导致高额能耗 (6) 协作化:减少基站间干扰,改善小区边缘覆盖,提供更高的频谱效率和更好的用户体验 (7) 虚拟化:基于通用平台的无线,接入网构架集中资源,多模式运营 (8) 支持多场景,多功能应用(楼顶站、街边站、郊区站、运营商共站等) (9) 优质热镀锌板加阻燃性材料制作而成,良好的保温效果(PU芯材不小于45MM),户外防水等级IP55 (10) 选点建站成本低可与OCC融合建站 (11) 兼容性强,可支持多种设备及电池的安装 产品类型 一体化五舱综合机柜属于一款综合性产品,产品融合了传统的机房业务及OCC业务,产品已经整合了相关联的各功能,在无特殊要求的情况下请选择公司推荐的产品规格类型。 产品用途 (1) 机柜的安装固定功能:可安装固定IT设备、服务器等设备和电池,设备主要固定方式为19英寸机架式安装,固定在U制立柱上,机柜的主框架及U制立柱设计方便安装设备,且承重能力比较强,所以机柜内可安装所有标准设备,电池可支持直放或者19英寸机架式安装,并可同时开展相关OCC业务,可支持光缆熔接配线也可实现跳接功能 (2) 机柜的理线功能:机柜内部有各种理线槽、理线架、理线板及走线通道等,给机柜内部安装的各种设备提供非常方便的布线管理 (3) 机柜的保护功能:机柜是一个相对封闭的空间,柜门关闭后可以给内部设备起到保护作用防止来自外部的损坏等,比如可以防止老鼠进入机柜里面对设备或线缆进线破坏 (4) 机柜可整合UPS电源、配电、制冷、门禁、机柜、照明、消防、动环监控、应急通风,OCC等多个系统,经过监控系统对全部子系统完成统筹管理 (5) 为通讯传输设备全稳定运行提供可靠的温控调节系统 (6) 为通讯传输设备及柜体提供可靠的接地保护系统 产品应用工具 一体化五舱综合机柜可充分应用于营业网点(电信,金融,能源,广电,零售)小型企业,大型企业,政府,教育,医疗的分支机构和网络间边缘数据中心,使用时需要应用到的工具有:熔纤机,光纤切割刀,光纤测试仪,笔式红光源,光功率计,剖线钳,斜口钳,螺丝刀,需要准备的施工物料有:无水乙醇,胶布,软塑带,防火泥,波纹管等。 常见问题解答 除上述设备尺寸外支持非标产品定制吗? 原则此款五舱综合机柜建议使用公司现有尺寸,因为经过长期的测试使用验证,五舱柜的标准配置已能完全满足相关业务的开展,如客户有其它特殊要求也可支持特殊化定制。 一体化五舱机柜综合柜与传统的机柜有何区别吗? 一体化机柜将数据中心基础设备产品深度整合,包含UPS、配电、制冷、机柜、消防等多个子系统,经过监控系统对全部系统完成统筹管理,简化设计和树立流程,可靠的UPS电源配电系统,不时为IT设备保驾护航,同时配置了精密制冷系统,保证IT设备运转正常,搭配动环监控系统实时监控设备工作状态。一体化机柜采用全密封设计,能应用在多种恶劣室内环境中,无需单独设置机房,针对特殊站点可选用综合机柜,设备及电池置于同一柜体中,各设备分别工作,各区单独温控,在此基础上还可开展OCC业务,不用再单独选址建设相关站点,业务也可相互关联深度融合。 一体化机柜优势是什么? (1) 相对于传统机房,一体化机房结构更简单,工厂预验证测试相比现场施工建设更加规范、安全可靠;全密封设计杜绝外界空气尘埃及腐蚀性气体对IT设备的危害;动环监控系统全方位监控基础设施,及时告警异常状况,安全无忧。 (2) 更省时省力建站,产品化的模块化设计让现场一天内即可完成安装交付,相比传统建设模式快2倍以上。 (3) 更小的占地面积,单柜占地面积最小仅3.85㎡,封闭式设计,环境适应能力强,不需要装修、地板等配套工程,有效降低建站成本,全封闭式制冷提升整机能效,使总体拥有成本显著下降。 (4) 更好的管理,一站式售后服务能及时处理各类设备故障问题,省时省心;标配动环监控系统,可本地、远程监控管理,更可多网点接入上层管理平台统一监管,多样化选择支持。 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 1/24 绝缘耐压固定装置(金具) 钣金 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图4.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/4 综合机柜 钣金 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/17 光缆终端盒 钣金 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/2 移动智慧厕所 钣金

  • GJS03-M2AX-A8-24~96C-W21(GP1402)

    Product Details All Telecommunication Terminal and Server Electric 上一个产品 下一个产品 GJS03-M2AX-A8-24~96C-W21(GP1402) The product is suitable for outdoor optical cable overhead, pipeline and other straight-through splicing and divergence splicing, optical cable to meet the multi-divergence 2 into 8 out optical cable port management. The product has high strength mechanical performance, high sealing performance, strong corrosion resistance, excellent weather resistance, etc., can be mechanically repeated to open, high maintainability; reasonable structure layout, simple and quick construction operation. Application Scenario Outdoor overhead, pipeline and other common fiber optic cable joint splicing, can be used for urban or urban and rural common fiber optic network splicing protection. Performance characteristics 1、The shell is made of high-quality engineering plastic injection molding process, with anti-UV and anti-aging additives, high mechanical strength; 2、The box body adopts single-ended in and out of the optical cable design structure, easy to install overhead hanging rods and other barrels can be quickly opened for maintenance and repair; no tools are required to open the box body; 3、the shell and the bottom with silicone rubber sealing ring, optical cable mouth using temperature-resistant heat-shrinkable tube sealing, good airtightness; 4、Box with electrical disconnection or connection function, optional air nozzle; 5、compact size, more suitable in the pipeline or narrow space; 6、Multi-divergent structure design with 2-in and 8-out multi-optical cable management; 7、termite resistance, acid and alkali resistant oil, resistance to extreme cold and high temperature environment need to order separate instructions. Technical parameters or parameters table 1、Adapted to the ambient temperature: -40℃~+65℃. 2、Atmospheric pressure: 70~106Kpa. 3、Axial tension: 〉1000N/1min or more. 4、flattening: the box is filled with 40 ± 5kpa air pressure, should be able to withstand 2000N/100mm lateral uniform pressure, the force time is not less than 1min, after the test joint box does not leak, no deformation, no damage. 5、 impact: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a drop height of 1m, the mass of the steel ball 1.6Kg, the number of impacts for 3 times the impact. 6、bending: fiber optic splice box and fiber optic cable joints should be able to withstand bending tension load of 150N, bending angle ± 45 ° of 10 cycles of bending. 7、torsion: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a torque of not less than 50N-m, torsion angle ± 90 °, a total of 10 cycles of twisting. 8、Drop: The fiber optic cable connector box should be able to withstand 3 drops at a height of 2.2m, and after the test, the connector box should not leak, no deformation, no damage. 9、tensile strength: 〉2000N/10cm2 pressure, time 1min. 10、vibration: splice box to withstand vibration frequency of 10Hz, amplitude of ± 3mm, the number of vibration for 106 vibration, the fiber additional loss change value does not exceed 0.2dB. 11、Temperature cycle: -40℃~+65℃, internal air pressure 40(+5)Kpa, 10 times cycle, air pressure drop not more than 5kpa after room temperature. 12、fiber radius of curvature > 30mm, fiber splice tray additional attenuation ≤ 0.01dB. Commonly used tools for construction cross cutters, heaters or spray guns, sawyers, tape measures. Parameter table Model: GJS03-M1AX-144C(GP200) Box material: PP Adapt to the diameter of fiber optic cable: oval hole: 10-25mm; small hole: 6-25mm Number of cable entry ports: 2+4 Maximum capacity of fusion fiber tray (core): 24 Maximum number of fusion cores (cores): 144 Fiber optic residual fiber intake device: No Sealing method: mechanical + heat shrink seal Fiber into the end type and number: -- Product use environment: overhead, pipeline, buried 上一个产品 下一个产品

  • GJSO3-M2AX-24~144C-SRZJ14(GP262)

    Product Details All Telecommunication Terminal and Server Electric 上一个产品 下一个产品 GJSO3-M2AX-24~144C-SRZJ14(GP262) The product is suitable for outdoor optical cable overhead, pipeline and other straight-through splicing and divergence splicing. The product has the characteristics of high strength mechanical performance, high sealing performance, strong corrosion resistance, excellent weather resistance, etc. It can be mechanically repeatedly opened, high maintainability; reasonable structure layout, simple and quick construction operation. Application Scenario Outdoor overhead, pipeline, direct buried and other common fiber optic cable joint splicing, can be used for urban or urban and rural common fiber optic network splicing protection. Performance characteristics 1、The shell is made of high-quality engineering plastic injection molding process, with anti-UV and anti-aging additives, high mechanical strength; 2、The box body adopts single-ended in and out of the optical cable design structure, easy to install overhead hanging rods and other barrels can be quickly opened for maintenance and repair; no tools are required to open the box body; 3、the shell and the bottom with silicone rubber sealing ring, optical cable mouth using temperature-resistant heat-shrinkable tube sealing, good airtightness; 4、Box with electrical disconnection or connection function, optional air nozzle; 5、compact size, more suitable in the pipeline or narrow space; 6、Multi-divergent structure design with 2-in and 8-out multi-optical cable management; 7、termite resistance, acid and alkali resistant oil, resistance to extreme cold and high temperature environment need to order separate instructions. Technical parameters or parameters table 1、Adapted to the ambient temperature: -40℃~+65℃. 2、Atmospheric pressure: 70~106Kpa. 3、Axial tension: 〉1000N/1min or more. 4、flattening: the box is filled with 40 ± 5kpa air pressure, should be able to withstand 2000N/100mm lateral uniform pressure, the force time is not less than 1min, after the test joint box does not leak, no deformation, no damage. 5、 impact: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a drop height of 1m, the mass of the steel ball 1.6Kg, the number of impacts for 3 times the impact. 6、bending: fiber optic splice box and fiber optic cable joints should be able to withstand bending tension load of 150N, bending angle ± 45 ° of 10 cycles of bending. 7、torsion: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a torque of not less than 50N-m, torsion angle ± 90 °, a total of 10 cycles of twisting. 8、Drop: The fiber optic cable connector box should be able to withstand 3 drops at a height of 2.2m, and after the test, the connector box should not leak, no deformation, no damage. 9、tensile strength: 〉2000N/10cm2 pressure, time 1min. 10、vibration: splice box to withstand vibration frequency of 10Hz, amplitude of ± 3mm, the number of vibration for 106 vibration, the fiber additional loss change value does not exceed 0.2dB. 11、Temperature cycle: -40℃~+65℃, internal air pressure 40(+5)Kpa, 10 times cycle, air pressure drop not more than 5kpa after room temperature. 12、fiber radius of curvature > 30mm, fiber splice tray additional attenuation ≤ 0.01dB. Commonly used tools for construction cross cutters, heaters or spray guns, sawyers, tape measures. Parameter table Model: GJS03-M1AX-144C(GP200) Box material: PP Adapt to the diameter of fiber optic cable: oval hole: 10-25mm; small hole: 6-25mm Number of cable entry ports: 2+4 Maximum capacity of fusion fiber tray (core): 24 Maximum number of fusion cores (cores): 144 Fiber optic residual fiber intake device: No Sealing method: mechanical + heat shrink seal Fiber into the end type and number: -- Product use environment: overhead, pipeline, buried 上一个产品 下一个产品

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