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  • 参加世界移动通信大会,展示领先技术与创新产品

    展位号:6D21 展位面积:12平方米 2024世界移动通信大会在巴塞罗那开幕 中国通信力量强势参与贡献中国智慧 当地时间2月26日,2024年世界移动通信大会(MWC 2024)在西班牙巴塞罗那拉开帷幕。作为全球移动通信领域最大的技术展会之一,MWC 2024以“Future First(未来先行)”为主题,将聚焦“超越5G、万物互联、AI人性化、数智制造、颠覆规则、数字基因”等六大主题展开深入探讨与交流。 GSMA数据显示,此次MWC大会是近年来线下规模最大的一届科技盛会,截至大会开幕时注册参加人数已超过10万。作为移动通信领域的盛会,MWC 2024的“主角”依然是移动通信和5G相关内容,包括5G商业化和投资变现、5G-Advanced、5G FWA、云计算和边缘计算、无线专网、eSim、非地面网络和卫星通信等。 作为通讯行业的领军企业,我们一直致力于研发领先技术和创新产品,这次参展是为了向全球客户展示我们的最新成果。 世界移动通信大会是全球通讯行业最具影响力的盛会之一,每年吸引着来自全球各地的专业人士和客户。作为参展企业,我们有幸能够在这个舞台上展示我们的实力和产品优势。在展会期间,我们展示了我们的领先技术、完整解决方案和创新产品。 我们的展位设计精美,吸引了众多观展者的目光。我们充分利用现代化的展示工具和布置,将我们工厂的技术实力和产品特点生动地展现出来。 我们的展品也吸引了许多观展者的关注。我们展示了一系列创新产品 光纤接头盒(FOSC/GJS03/M1系列) 热缩接头盒(XAGA & RSBJ*RSBA系列) 光纤终端/分路盒 光纤熔接机 光纤分路机柜 ONU宽带数据集成柜 光纤配线箱 ODF/MODF的 FTTx系列产品 馈线系统 用于天然气和石油防腐管道的热缩套管 模具研究中心 观展者对我们的产品表现出了浓厚的兴趣,并与我们进行了深入的交流和洽谈。既加强了与客户的合作关系,又提高了我们的品牌知名度和市场影响力。 参加世界移动通信大会不仅是展示我们工厂实力和产品优势的机会,也是了解市场需求和行业趋势的重要途径。通过与其他参展企业的交流和观察,我们可以及时了解市场动态,并根据市场需求进行调整和优化。这种与客户和行业同仁的交流和合作,为我们提供了宝贵的机会,不断推动我们的技术创新和产品升级。 在世界移动通信大会中,我们工厂得到了来自全球客户的肯定和认可。我们的领先技术和创新产品赢得了广大观展者的赞誉,并与一些潜在客户达成了合作意向。这次参展为我们开拓了更广阔的市场空间,为工厂的发展打下了坚实的基础。 总之,参加世界移动通信大会是一个重要的推广和宣传工具,也是展示我们工厂实力和产品优势的重要途径。通过展会,我们得以与客户进行深入交流,洞察市场需求,并展示我们的领先技术和创新产品。我们将继续加大研发投入,不断提升产品质量和技术创新能力,以满足客户的需求和期望。 感谢您的关注和支持,如果您对我们的产品有任何疑问或需求,欢迎随时与我们联系。我们期待与您的合作,并共同开创通讯行业的美好未来。谢谢!

  • 复工通知

    我公司于2024年2月18日正式开工,所有工作将继续照常进行。我们将继续努力,在新的一年里继续为您提供更优质的服务,给您带来更多的回报。我们希望您一如既往的相信我们并选择我们! 我们生产什么: >光纤接头盒 >热缩接头盒(XAGA系列) >光纤终端/分路器盒 >光纤熔接柜 >光纤分路机柜 >ONU宽带数据集成柜 >光纤配线箱 >ODF/MODF的 >FTTx系列产品 >馈线系统 >用于天然气和石油防腐管道的热缩套管 >模具研究中心

  • 我们将前往西班牙巴塞罗那参加2024 MWC展会

    我们将参加2月26日至29日在巴塞罗那举行的MWC展会,展位号为6D21#。欢迎访问我们。 我们生产什么: >光纤接头盒(FOSC/GJS03/M1系列) >热缩接头盒(XAGA & RSBJ*RSBA系列) >光纤终端/分路盒 >光纤熔接机 >光纤分路机柜 >ONU宽带数据集成柜 >光纤配线箱 >ODF/MODF的 >FTTx系列产品 >馈线系统 >用于天然气和石油防腐管道的热缩套管 >模具研究中心

  • 如何使用熔接机,使用过程中常见的故障有哪些?

    光熔接机是一种用于将光纤末端融合在一起以创建无缝光纤连接的设备。以下是使用光纤熔接机的一般步骤,以及在此过程中可能出现的常见问题及其解决方案。 使用光纤熔接器 1. 准备工作 ● 确保工作空间清洁,没有灰尘、湿气和其他污染物。 ● 检查熔接机的电源,确保电气连接正确,并打开机器电源。 ● 准备干净的光纤,确保光纤端面无灰尘和污垢。 2. 放置光纤 将要熔合的光纤末端插入熔接器的两个熔接模块中。 3. 设置参数 根据所使用的光纤类型配置融合参数,例如电流、时间和其他设置。 4. 光纤对准 使用显微镜确保光纤末端精确对齐,确保完美

  • 我们在土库曼斯坦参加了TURKMENTEL 2023通讯展

    2023年11月9日和10日,我们在土库曼斯坦参加了TURKMENTEL 2023通讯展。我们的光纤接头盒、光纤配线盒、热缩接头盒、ODF等一直受到当地客户的一致好评。

  • 至2024 年,全球 5G 用户将超过 20 亿

    根据 GSA(由 Omdia 提供)的数据,截至 2019 年底,全球有 52.7 亿 LTE 用户。2019年全年,全球LTE新成员数量已超过10亿,年增长率为24.4%。他们占全球移动用户的57.7%。 按地区划分,67.1%的LTE采用者是亚太地区,11.7%是欧洲人,9.2%是北美人,6.9%是拉丁美洲和加勒比地区,2.7%是中东人,2.4%是非洲人。 LTE数字可能会在2022年达到峰值,占全球移动总量的64.8%。然而,从 2023 年初开始,它将随着 5G 迁移而开始下降。 截至 2019 年底,5G 用户已达到至少 1773 万,占全球移动用户的 0.19%。 Omdia 预测,到 2024 年底,全球移动用户将达到 105 亿。届时,LTE可能占59.4%,5G占19.3%,W-CDMA占13.4%,GSM占7.5%,其余占0.4%。 以上是关于移动技术的简要趋势报告。5G已经在电信行业占有一席之地。前宏(QHTELE)是该行业的领先制造商,为全球客户提供各种光纤连接设备,如外壳、配电箱、端子、光纤熔接液管、热缩电缆接头闭合、ODF等。

  • 副本 What Is FTTx Exactly?

    As we see the need for a dramatic increase in the amount of bandwidth that is delivered to customers, due to 4K high definition TV, services such as YouTube and other video sharing services, and peer to peer sharing services, we are seeing a rise in FTTx installations or more Fiber To The “x”. We all like lightning fast internet and crystal clear pictures on our 70 inch TV’s and Fiber To The Home – FTTH is responsible for these little luxuries. So what is “x”? “x” can stand for the multiple locations that cable TV or broadband services are delivered to, such as Home, Multi Tenant Dwelling, or Office. These types of deployments that deliver service directly to the customer premises and this allows for much faster connection speed and more reliability for the consumers. Different location of your deployment can cause the change of a variety of factors that will ultimately affect the items that you need for your project. Factors that can affect a Fiber To The “x” deployment can be environmental, weather related, or already existing infrastructure that needs to be taken into account when designing the network. In the sections below, we will go over some of the most common equipment that is utilized within a Fiber To The “x” deployment. There will be variations, different styles, and different manufacturers, but for the most part, all the equipment is pretty standard in a deployment. Remote Central Office A pole or pad mounted in central office or network interconnection enclosure serves as a remote second location for the service providers that are located on a pole or on the ground. This enclosure is the device that connects the service provider to all the other components in a FTTx deployment; they contain the Optical Line Terminal, which is the endpoint for the service provider and the place where the conversion from electrical signals to fiber optic signals happens. They are fully equipped with air conditioning, heating units, and a power supply so that they can be protected from the elements. This central office feeds the hub enclosures via outside plant fiber optic cable, either aerial or underground burial cables depending on the location of the central office. This is one of the most critical pieces in an FTTx installment, as this is where all begins. Fiber ution HubDistrib This enclosure is designed to be the interconnect or meeting place for fiber optic cables. Cables enter the enclosure from the OLT – Optical Line Terminal and then this signal is split by optical fiber splitters or splitter modules and then sent back through drop cables that are then sent out to the homes or multi tenant buildings. This unit allows for fast access to the cables so that they can be serviced or repaired if needed. You can also test within this unit to ensure that all the connections are in working order. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes depending on the installation that you are doing and the number of customers that you are planning on serving from a single unit. Splice Enclosures Outdoor splice enclosures are placed after the fiber distribution hub. These outdoor splice enclosures allow for the unused outdoor cable to have a passive place that these fibers can be accessed via midspan and then joined to the drop cable. Splitters Splitters are one of the most important players in any FTTx project. They are used to split the incoming signal so that more customers can be serviced with a single fiber. They can be placed within the fiber distribution hubs, or in the outdoor splice enclosures. Splitters are usually connectorized with SC/APC connectors for optimal performance. The splitters can have splits such as 1×4, 1×8, 1×16, 1×32, and 1×64, as FTTx deployments are becoming more common and more telecom companies are adopting the technology. The larger splits are becoming more common such as 1×32 or 1×64. These splits really symbolize the number of homes that can be reached by this single fiber that is running to the optical splitter. Network Interface Devices (NIDs) Network Interface Devices or NID boxes usually locate outside of a single home; they are not usually used in MDU deployments. NID’s are environmentally sealed boxes that are placed on the side of a home to allow the optical cable to enter. This cable is usually an outdoor-rated drop cable terminated with an SC/APC connector. NID’s normally come with outlet grommets that allow for the usage of multiple cable sizes. There is space within the box for adapter panels and splice sleeves. NID’s are fairly inexpensive, and usually smaller in size compared with an MDU box. Multi Tenant Distribution Box A multi tenant distribution box or MDU box is a wall mountable enclosure that is designed to withstand harsh conditions and allows for multiple incoming fibers, usually in the form of an indoor/outdoor distribution cable, they can also house optical splitters that are terminated with SC/APC connectors and splice sleeves. These boxes are located on every floor of the building and they are split off into single fibers or drop cables that run to each unit on that floor. Demarcation Box A demarcation box usually has two fiber ports that allow for cable. They have built-in splice sleeve holders. These boxes will be utilized within a multi tenant distribution unit, each unit or office space that a building has will have a demarcation box that is connected by a cable to an MDU Box located on the floor of that unit. These are usually fairly inexpensive and small form factor so that they can be easily placed within a unit. At the end of the day, FTTx deployments are not going anywhere, and these are just some of the items that we could see in a typical FTTx deployment. There are many options out there that can be of use. In the near future, we will only see more and more of these deployments in that we see further increase in demand for bandwidth as technology advances. Hopefully, an FTTx deployment will be coming to your area so that you can also enjoy the benefits of having increased network speed and a higher degree of reliability for your services.

  • 副本 QIANHONG Follow The Step For Pre-Connectorized ODN Solution To Accelerate Fiber Transformation

    The emergence of high-bandwidth services such as 4K/8K video, livestreaming, telecommuting, and online education in recent years are changing people’s way of life and stimulating the growth of bandwidth demand. Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) has become the most mainstream broadband access technology, with huge amounts of fiber deployed worldwide every year. Compared with copper networks, fiber networks feature higher bandwidth, more stable transmission, and lower operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. When building new access networks, fiber is the first choice. For copper networks already deployed, operators have to find a way to carry out fiber transformation efficiently and cost-effectively. Fiber Slicing Poses Challenges To FTTH Deployment A common problem faced by operators in a FTTH deployment is that the optical distribution network (ODN) has a long construction period, causing great engineering difficulties and a high cost. Specifically, ODN accounts for at least 70% of FTTH construction costs and more than 90% of its deployment time. In terms of both efficiency and cost, ODN is the key to FTTH deployment. ODN construction involves a lot of fiber splicing, which requires trained technicians, specialized equipment, and a stable operating environment. The efficiency and quality of fiber splicing is closely related to the skills of the technicians. In regions with high labor costs and for operators lacking trained technicians, fiber splicing presents big challenges to FTTH deployment and therefore hinders operators’ efforts in fiber transformation. Pre-Connectorization Solves The Problem Of Fiber Splicing We launched its pre-connectorized ODN solution to enable efficient and low-cost construction of fiber networks. Compare to the traditional ODN solution, the pre-connectorized CDN solution is centered on replacing the traditional complicated fiber splicing operations with pre-connectorized adapters and connectors to make construction more efficient and cost-effective. The pre-connectorized CDN solution includes a series of indoor and outdoor pre-connectorized optical fiber distribution boxes (ODBs) as well as prefabricated optical cables. Based on the traditional ODB, the pre-connectorized ODB adds pre-connectorized adapters on its outside. The prefabricated optical cable is made by adding pre-connectorized connectors to a traditional optical cable. With the pre-connectorized ODB and prefabricated optical cable, technicians do not have to perform splicing operations when connecting fibers. They only need to insert a connector of the cable into an adapter of the ODB.

  • 副本 What Does 5G Bring To You?

    Recently, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s announcement, China now is planning to accelerate the development of 5G, so, what are the contents in this announcement and what are the benefits of 5G? Accelerate 5G Development, Especially Cover The Countryside According to the newest data shown by top 3 telecom operators, until the end of February, 164000 5G base station have been established and more than 550000 5G base station are expected to be built before 2021. This year, China is devoted to implementing full and continuous 5G network cover of the outdoor areas in cities. 5G will not only completely change the mobile network that we currently use but also makes different walks of life to collaborate and provide services for each other, this will finally shape a much more huge 5G related product and service market. Over 8 Trillion Yuan New-Types Consumption Is Expected According to estimates from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, 5G in commercial use is expected to create more than 8 trillion yuan during 2020 – 2025. The announcement also points out that new types consumption will be developed, including 5G+VR/AR, live shows, games, virtual shopping, etc.. Encourage telecom enterprises, radio and television media enterprises, and some other relevant enterprises to cooperate with each other to offer a variety of new 4K/8K, VR/AR products in education, media, game, etc. When 5G comes, it will not only make people enjoy high speed, cheaper network but also enriches a huge amount of new type consumptions for people in e-commerce, government services, education, and entertainment, etc. Over 300 Million Jobs Will Be Created According to estimates from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, 5G is expected to directly create more than 3 million jobs by 2025. 5G development Conducive to driving employment and entrepreneurship, make society more stable. Including driving employment in industries such as scientific research and experimentation, production and construction, and operating services; creating new and integrated employment needs in many industrial fields such as industry and energy. To make a long story short, 5G development makes people easier to work anytime and anywhere. It allows people to work at home and achieves flexible employment in the sharing economy.

  • 究竟什么是FTTx?

    由于我们看到,由于4K高清电视、YouTube和其他视频共享服务以及点对点共享服务,需要大幅增加交付给客户的带宽数量,我们看到FTTx安装或更多的光纤到 "x "的需求正在增加。我们都喜欢闪电般的网络和70英寸电视上清晰的图像,而光纤到户--FTTH负责这些小奢侈品。 那么,什么是 "x"?"x "可以代表有线电视或宽带服务交付的多个地点,如家庭、多租户住宅或办公室。这些类型的部署直接将服务送到客户处所,这使得消费者的连接速度更快,可靠性更高。不同的部署地点会导致各种因素的变化,最终会影响你的项目所需的项目。影响光纤到 "x "部署的因素可能是环境、天气,或在设计网络时需要考虑的现有基础设施。在下面的章节中,我们将介绍一些在光纤到 "x "部署中使用的最常见的设备。会有一些变化,不同的风格和不同的制造商,但在大多数情况下,所有的设备在部署中是相当标准的。 远程中央办公室 安装在中央办公室或网络互联机柜中的杆子或垫子,作为位于杆子上或地面上的服务提供商的远程第二个位置。该机柜是连接服务提供商和FTTx部署中所有其他组件的设备;它们包含光线路终端,是服务提供商的终端,也是发生从电信号到光纤信号转换的地方。它们完全配备了空调、加热装置和电源,以便能够免受外界影响。这个中央办公室通过外部工厂的光缆向集线器机柜供电,根据中央办公室的位置,可以是空中或地下埋设的光缆。这是FTTx安装中最关键的部分之一,因为这是一切开始的地方。 光纤分配中心 这个机柜被设计为光缆的互连或交汇处。光缆从OLT--光线路终端进入机箱,然后通过光纤分路器或分路器模块分割信号,再通过落地光缆送回,然后送至家庭或多租户建筑。该装置允许快速访问电缆,以便在需要时对其进行维护或修理。你还可以在这个装置内进行测试,以确保所有的连接都处于工作状态。它们有各种尺寸和形状,取决于你所做的安装和你计划从一个单元中服务的客户数量。 接线盒 室外接续盒被放置在光纤分配中心之后。这些室外接续盒允许未使用的室外光缆有一个被动的地方,这些光纤可以通过midspan接入,然后连接到光缆上。 分路器 分路器是任何FTTx项目中最重要的角色之一。它们用于分割传入的信号,以便用一根光纤为更多客户提供服务。它们可以放置在光纤分配中心内,或放置在室外的熔接箱内。分路器通常使用SC/APC连接器以获得最佳性能。分路器可以有1×4、1×8、1×16、1×32和1×64等分路,因为FTTx部署正变得越来越普遍,越来越多的电信公司正在采用这一技术。较大的分路越来越普遍,如1×32或1×64。这些分路器真正象征着这根流向光分路器的单一光纤所能到达的家庭数量。 网络接口设备(NID) 网络接口设备或NID盒通常位于单个家庭之外;它们通常不用于MDU部署。NID是环境密封的盒子,放置在住宅的一侧,以允许光缆进入。这种光缆通常是一种户外等级的落地光缆,以SC/APC连接器为终端。NID通常带有出口扣眼,允许使用多种尺寸的电缆。盒子里有空间可供转接板和接续套管使用。NID的价格相当便宜,与MDU箱相比,尺寸通常较小。 多租户配电箱 多租户配线箱或MDU箱是一种可安装在墙上的外壳,其设计可以承受恶劣的条件,并允许多条入户光纤,通常以室内/室外配线电缆的形式,它们也可以容纳以SC/APC连接器和接续套管为终端的光分流器。这些盒子位于大楼的每一层,它们被分割成单根光纤或光缆,运行到该层的每个单元。 分界盒 一个分界盒通常有两个光纤端口,可供线缆使用。它们有内置的接续套管支架。这些盒子将在多租户分配单元内使用,建筑物的每个单元或办公空间将有一个分界盒,通过电缆连接到位于该单元楼层的MDU盒。这些通常是相当便宜的,而且外形小巧,因此可以很容易地放在一个单元内。 在一天结束时,FTTx部署不会消失,而这些只是我们在典型的FTTx部署中可以看到的一些项目。有许多选项可以使用。在不久的将来,我们只会看到越来越多的此类部署,因为随着技术的发展,我们看到对带宽的需求进一步增加。希望FTTx的部署会出现在你的地区,这样你也能享受到网络速度提高和服务可靠性提高的好处。

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