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  • Network Cabinet

    Product Details All Telecommunication Terminal and Server Electric 上一个产品 下一个产品 Network Cabinet Network cabinet, widely used in the installation and placement of ETIS standard equipment and 19″, 21″ standard equipment for system integration, to provide reliable installation, support, power supply, ventilation device for system equipment, and effective protection for system equipment. Network cabinet is a comprehensive equipment to complete the connection between external cable and program-controlled switch, between digital multiplexing equipment and digital multiplexing equipment, and between external fiber optic cable and optical communication equipment, which is suitable for the integration of engineering control systems in various industries such as computer, data, information, electronics, finance, electric power and electrical. Product Benefits Compatibility: Support all 19″, 21″ standard equipment installation Heat dissipation performance: high-density mesh door, ventilation rate of 80% Stable structural design: static load 1800kg Scalability: Standard with side-by-side cabinet assembly, supports side-by-side installation of cabinets with and without side-by-side panels High availability: Vertical mounting casters can be dynamically adjusted to meet different installation depths of equipment Excellent ventilation: integrated ventilation system, professional airflow organization design Convenient access to and from the cable: cable management dedicated channel, you can choose any way into the cable Air inlet mode can be selected: the upper air inlet, lower air inlet and forward air inlet three ways Grounding protection design:Multi-point grounding set inside the cabinet Removable: Quickly removable front, back and side door design. Product Type Product use (1) generally used in network wiring rooms, floor wiring rooms, central server rooms, data rooms, control centers, monitoring rooms, monitoring centers, etc.; (2) can greatly enhance the overall aesthetic degree of the server room. Take the 19-inch specification cabinet as an example, the 19-inch design can accommodate a large number of network equipment, which can simplify the layout of the server room and improve the overall aesthetic level of the server room; (3) can effectively protect the safety and stability of the equipment. The equipment will emit a lot of heat when working, the cooling fan of the network cabinet can send the heat emitted by the equipment out of the cabinet to ensure the safe and stable operation of the equipment. Product application tools open-end wrenches, openers This product is mainly equipped with a variety of network equipment, the process of installation can be used in the Qizi, wrench. Frequently Asked Questions What is the difference between a network cabinet and a server cabinet? Usually, the depth of the network cabinet is less than or equal to 800 mm, while the depth of the server cabinet is greater than or equal to 800 mm. Secondly, server cabinets are generally used to install equipment such as servers, monitors or UPS to provide a good working environment for electronic equipment. And network cabinets are mainly used to install routers, switches, fiber optic wiring boxes, fiber optic adapters and other equipment. Can I replace the network cabinet with a wooden shelf? No. The role of network cabinets is to place network equipment, from this function, ordinary wooden shelves can also play the same role, but the difference is that the network cabinet design is more reasonable, more scientific, is designed specifically for the storage of network equipment and design, some also have enhanced electromagnetic shielding, reduce the work of noise and other functions, ordinary shelves can not play such a role. How is the network cabinet wired? Network cabinet cabling can be used together with cable management frames or wiring closets; network cabinets are used to install switches and other equipment, and the number of cables in network cabinets will be quite large due to the large space of network cabinets and the installation of more equipment, taking into account the vertical and horizontal cable fixing, network cabinet cabling can be used together with vertical cable management frames and horizontal cable management frames. If it is used in 40G/100G network environment, it can be used with ultra-high density fiber optic distribution box. In addition, in order to facilitate the cable management in the network cabinet, we can use cable ties to bundle the cable categories for fixing. How to maintain the network cabinet? Avoiding light, dust, pressure control in the cabinet, space control can extend the life of the network cabinet. 上一个产品 下一个产品

  • 免跳接光缆交接箱, 成都前宏

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 通信 免跳接光缆交接箱 钣金 光缆交接箱是室外连接主干光缆与配线光缆的接口设备。具备光缆引入固定、接地保护、光纤熔接、配线、 存储、路由管理等功能,可以方便地提供链路连接,分配以及传输功能。用于各种应用场景的布署,一般安装于路边、小区绿地、工业园旁、楼边、电杆上等环境中。 广泛应用于电信运营商基础网络、FTTx、城域网传输等建设改造。 免跳接光缆交接箱适于FTTH网络中的光分配点。能完成光缆的引入、固定及开剥保护,光纤的熔接、保护,光分路器尾纤的储存、停泊及路由管理等功能;提供光纤直熔功能、无跳纤配线功能。能根据客户的要求安装盒式光分路器、插片式等增值模块单元。广泛应用于ODN光纤通信网络中。 产品优点 箱体采用SMC高分子材料或优质钣金材料制作,隔热性能优异,防护等级达IP65; 全正面化操作,抽拉式结构,熔接、配线一体化模块操作,维护方便; 停泊位的设计,保护光分路空闲的尾纤端面; 提供直熔单元,可实现光缆的直熔操作; 适用于带状、束状光缆; 具有可靠的光缆引入及固定、保护、接地装置; 具有各种熔接、配线标识,方便熔接和配线记录; 合理的光纤盘绕结构,确保任何位置光纤绕纤半径大于30mm; 可以选择安装光分路器,构成完整的光缆分光管理系统。 光纤的分配和调度均在正面进行; 采用12芯熔配一体化模块,每个接续模块可单独抽出,操作方便; 卡式安装FC、SC等多种适配器,适配器与机箱正面呈斜角,既保证了跳线的曲率半径,又可避免弧光灼伤眼睛; 外缆尾纤型、集中存纤式; 插片式光分路器方式,可适用于二级分光的一级分光点或一级分光 ( 集中分光); 解决光分路器的管理与扩容; 应用免跳纤光缆交接箱的理念,减少配纤适配器和跳纤,减少通信故障点和插损,提升网络安全; 配线区尾纤定长,且配备有序的尾纤管理中心,界面清晰; 全部模块化的设计,按需配置,应用灵活,降低成本。 根据安装方式有壁挂式、架空式、落地式。 符合YD/T 988行业标准。 产品类型 产品用途 广泛适用于PON 技术FTTH 光纤接入网络,是FTTH 建设中理想设备之一,可以实现光纤的熔接、存储、端接、光分路器的安置以及入户光缆的布放等功能。 产品应用工具 熔纤机、功率计、无水乙醇、OTDR测试仪、剖线钳、斜口钳、水平尺、冲击钻、螺丝刀、波纹管、黑色胶布、防火泥、光功率计、笔式红光源等。 常见问题解答 光缆交接箱芯数怎么确认? 根据设计单位图纸确认。 光缆交接箱防水防尘等级是多少? IP65。 光缆交接箱满足的国家标准是哪条? 符合YD/T 988行业标准。 光缆交接箱是否可根据需求进行定制? 可以。 光缆交接箱SMC箱体和不锈钢箱体的选择? 材质上都可以使用10年以上,功能一致,SMC箱体价格低于不锈钢箱体价格。 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 1/24 钣金 绝缘耐压固定装置(金具) 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图4.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/4 钣金 综合机柜 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/17 钣金 光缆终端盒 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/2 钣金 移动智慧厕所

  • GJS03-M14AX-JX-144C(GP374), 成都前宏

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 通信 GJS03-M14AX-JX-144C(GP374) 帽式光缆接头盒, M11-14 该产品适用于室外光缆架空、管道等直通接续和分歧接续。 本产品具有高强度机械性能、高密封性能、耐腐蚀性强、耐候性优异等特点,可机械重复开启,可维护性高;结构布局合理,施工操作简单快捷。 应用场景 室外架空、管道等普通光缆接头接续,可用于城区或城乡普通光纤网络接续保护。 结构图 性能特点: 1、壳体采用优质工程塑料注塑工艺生产、添加有抗紫外线、耐老化助剂,机械强度高; 2、盒体采用单端进出光缆设计结构、便于架空挂杆等安装且筒体可快速开启进行检修和维护;开启盒体无须工具; 3、壳体与底部采用硅橡胶密封圈、光缆口利用耐温热缩管密封,气密性良好; 4、盒体具备电气断开或连通功能,可选配气嘴。 技术参数 1、适应环境温度:-20℃~+65℃。 2、大气压力:70~106Kpa。 3、轴向拉力:〉1000N/1min以上。 4、压扁:盒内充入40±5kpa气压,应能承受2000N/100mm横向均布压力,加力时间不小于1min,试验后接头盒不漏气、无变形、无损伤。 5、冲击:光缆接头盒应能承受落高1m、钢球质量1.6Kg,冲击次数为3次的冲击。 6、弯曲:光缆接头盒与光缆接合处应能承受弯曲张力负荷为150N、弯曲角度±45°的10个循环的弯曲。 7、扭转:光缆接头盒应能承受扭矩不小于50N·m,扭转角度±90°,共10次循环的扭转。 8、跌落:光缆接头盒应能承受2.2m高度3次的跌落,试验后接头盒不漏气、无变形、无损伤。 9、抗拉力:〉2000N/10cm2压力,时间1min。 10、震动:接头盒承受振动频率为10Hz、振幅为±3mm、振动次数为106的振动,其光纤附加损耗变化值不超过0.2dB; 11、温度循环:-20℃~+65℃,内部气压40(+5)Kpa,循环次数10次, 常温后气压下降不超过5kpa。 12、光纤曲率半径>30mm,光纤熔接盘附加衰耗≤0.01dB。 施工常用工具 十字改刀、内六角扳手、卷尺、锯工。 参数表 型号GJS03-M14AX-JX-144C(GP374) 盒体材质:PP 适应光缆直径:椭圆孔:10-20mm;小孔:10-30mm 入缆口数:2+8 熔纤盘最大容量(芯):24 最大熔接芯数(芯):144 光纤余纤收容装置:否 密封方式:机械 光纤成端类型及数量:SC/24 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图5.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/5 帽式光缆接头盒, M11-14 GJS03-M15BX-A14-144C-NABS02(GP394) 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/6 帽式光缆接头盒, M11-14 GJS03-M15BX-A14-144C(GP394) 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图4.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/4 帽式光缆接头盒, M11-14 GJS03-M15AX-A14-144C-NABS02(GP394) 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图4.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/4 帽式光缆接头盒, M11-14 GJS03-M15AX-A14-144C(GP394)

  • 绝缘耐压固定装置(金具), 成都前宏

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 通信 绝缘耐压固定装置(金具) 钣金 自承式光缆耐压固定装置,又称为自承式光缆金具,是我们公司自主研发的光缆架空施工,它常用于乡村光缆线路末端的建设,由于光缆架空敷设中全国各地建设环境不一且复杂,故我们公司给出了一整套末端光缆建设方案,其中包含各种型号的光缆金具,自承式光缆金具有助于建设方缩短工期,节约工程总投资。 自承式光缆金具适用于光缆线杆或共享共用的电力杆上非金属自承式光缆的固定。采用全机械加固连接和可重复装卸方式,具有结构简单,操作方便,缩短工期等特点。是光缆网络杆路布建可靠选择的一款固定装置。 自承式光缆金具适用于非金属自承式中心束管式室外光缆,产品型号为GYFXTC8F。 产品优点 (1) 抱箍、钢臂采用Q235A扁钢包覆防腐、耐高压绝缘热缩材料,耐电压达10KV,无飞弧、不击穿;满足所有电力杆路和通信杆路使用。 (2) 光缆夹具采用特殊塑料添加抗老化剂和抗紫外线辐射材料注塑成型,具有高抗老化和抗紫外线能力,使用寿命长; (3) 所以连接紧固件都采用304不锈钢材质制成,种类少,工具单一,操作维护方便。 (4) 万能转向采用钢件铸成,表面镀铬,轴向拉力大于1000N。转向器径向角度满足360度,轴向转角20士2度。 (5) 安装方便,不需要特殊施工培训即可操作。 (6) 钢臂及抱箍耐压层在90度温度下,热熔胶不流淌、滴落等现象。钢臂及抱箍耐压层对钢的剥离强度大于10ON/2.5cm。 (7) 耐腐蚀。所有紧固件经盐雾试验72H,表面无锈蚀、锈斑等现象。 (8) 光缆夹板轴向拉拔力—光缆夹板紧固光缆后,轴向拉力大于1000N。 (9) 介电强度高。耐压层(绝缘层)介电强度大于35KV/mm。 (10) 耐压层(绝缘层)体积电阻率大。绝缘层)体积电阻率大于1013Ω·M;表面耐压层厚度不小于3mm。 (11) 产品结构简单、对承载杆路的负荷小、结构强度高、金具防锈蚀能力强,宜适用于早期自有杆路。 (12) 共享弱电运营商农村杆路时,无需加挂钢绞线吊线,在杆路上加装非绝缘金具,即可快速竣工,既缩短施工工期,又降低投资成本。 (13) 绝缘金具防锈蚀能力强,绝缘性高,适用于各种规格杆路,无需钢绞线吊线,操作简单,强度可靠,满足复杂条件下的农村施工环境,施工工期短,总投资成本低。 技术参数 (1) 海拔高度:H<3000m (2) 最大风速:40m/s(离地面8米高处15年一遇10分钟平均最大值) (3) 最高环境温度:70℃ (4) 最低环境温度:-40℃ (5) 最大月平均相对湿度:95% (6) 最大日温差: 40℃ (7) 日照量: 0.1w/cm2(风速为0.5m/s)8、雷暴日:220日/年。 产品类型 (01) 135度绝缘耐压固定装置 主要用于杆路上90-150度的线路转角时使用,金具抱箍及钢臂采用全绝缘包塑,因此不仅可以使用在传统通信杆路、油木杆,也可以借用电力杆使用。抱箍及钢臂采用全硬连接,能有效牢固的支持线路的架设,两端万向光缆夹具,能自由调节光缆进出方向,中间不锈钢挂钩,可以储存盘留光缆,也可以作为位置导向支撑光缆。 (02) 180度绝缘耐压固定装置 180度金具和90度金具原理功能和135度相同,只是金具钢臂一个没有夹角,一个呈90度夹角,180度在万向光缆夹具的配合下可以实现小角度光缆转弯过渡,具体数据为:180°±20°。90度金具则可使实现更小角度的光缆转向。 (03) 90度绝缘耐压固定装置 (04) 引下钢臂绝缘耐压固定装置 是新线路方案中的一个配套组件,不能单独使用;它一般情况下是配合有抱箍挂钩的金具使用,如135度、180度、90度等。 (05) 单/双吊绝缘耐压固定装置 双吊线金具类似于传统铁附件双吊线抱箍,在我们公司的解决方案中主要应用于直线、短距离的杆线路中,抱箍外层也做了绝缘防腐处理,抱箍两端各装有个一光缆万向夹具,可以双向架空光缆,本产品小巧、简单,便于运输携带。 双吊自承式金具 单吊自承式金具 (06) 箱体抱杆耐压固定装置 (07) 拉线绝缘耐压固定装置 拉线金具是通用所有杆路的软吊金具,无论有转角或是无转角都可以使用,它是由绝缘抱箍、柔性钢绳环和拉线夹具组成,产品本身比其他几种杆路绝缘金具更轻巧便携。 (08) 行线固定装置夹 由多个行线夹板叠加组成的,产品本身不支撑光缆,不承受光缆的拉力,只是一个墙面线缆管理,控制整体布线美观的产品,类似于传统布线方式的U型夹。两联装行线夹由两个半片组成,一边一个光缆孔,可以同时管理两根光缆,三联装则由三个半片组成,可以管理四根光缆,以此类推。 (09) 过墙耐压固定装置 是由墙面支架、柔性钢绳环和拉线夹具组成,它的主要作用是墙面过渡时使用,由于光缆墙面敷设时全程是行线固定装置来管理线路,而行线固定装置本身又不承受光缆拉力,因此引入过墙金具,在光缆引入引出墙面的时候以保证有足够的支撑力来支撑光缆,沿墙大角度转角时也可以借用过墙金具来保护光缆不被墙角损坏。 (10) 楔形光缆拉线固定装置 主要用于敷设光纤的一种固定装置,适用于乡村宽带网络.可搭配光缆引下、行线固定装置等组件;具有辅助非金属自承式轻型光缆的免钢绞线架设、固定等作用,具有长效的防腐、耐压、抗拉等功效。 8F钢带抱箍尺寸( 单位为毫米 ) (11) 光缆夹板 自承式光缆金具使用的光缆夹板可以进行选配,有单槽及双槽两种型号,顾名思义,单槽只能固定1根“8”字光缆,双槽则可以固定2根,夹板的安装可以通过球头或直接安装,球头过渡安装可以实现自由转向,直接安装则不能,如引下钢臂金具。 产品用途 自承式光缆金具主要用于敷设光缆的一种固定装置,适用于乡村宽带网络;适用于各类共享电力电杆、木杆架设光缆;产品结构简单,使用方便,是网络建设可靠选择的一种固定装置。 产品应用工具 光纤熔纤机、活动扳手、内六角扳手、改刀、卷尺、老虎钳、松套管剥皮钳、光缆剥皮钳、光功率计、水平仪、冲击钻、梯子、穿线器、手拉葫芦、剪刀、脚扣、安全带、绝缘手套、安全帽等。 常见问题解答 自承式光缆金具是适用所有光缆,还是部分,请列举? 自承式光缆金具适用于非金属自承式中心束管式室外光缆,产品型号为GYFXTC8F。 自承式光缆金具与普通光缆施工有什么优势? 采用全机械加固连接和可重复装卸方式,具有结构简单,操作方便,缩短工期、投资少等优势,金具主要的力臂以及光缆夹持部件外表面都是绝缘耐压的,具有更加安全的绝缘耐压效果。 自承式光缆金具适用于什么场景? 适用于乡村宽带网络光缆末端架空施工;适用于各类电力电杆、木杆、墙壁等敷设光缆场景,特别适合利用既有非光缆线杆的场景;产品有各种角度型号可选,光缆夹头设计为万向节可以适用各种转弯和高低不平的光缆走线场景。 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图4.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/4 钣金 综合机柜 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/17 钣金 光缆终端盒 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/2 钣金 移动智慧厕所 1/1 钣金 一体化熔纤盘

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  • Buried fiber optic cable handover box, Qianhong Communication

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Telecommunication Buried fiber optic cable handover box Sheet Metal In the full-service competition pattern, especially the development of broadband services, the requirements for transmission resources are increasingly high, and the layout of the transmission network requires the establishment of a large number of cable cross-over boxes to meet a variety of access needs. But the traditional above-ground fiber optic cable transfer box is generally standing in the green belt on both sides of the road, there are many defects. Not beautiful, difficult to coordinate with the surrounding environment; difficult to select the site, difficult to build; coexistence, affecting the cityscape; exposed to the outdoors, the wind, sun and rain; easy to be destroyed, the device is easy to aging; The use of direct burial by way of buried underground cable transfer box directly buried in the soil, relying on the soil to heat insulation or heat dissipation, buried light transfer box and the direct contact surface of the soil without ventilation window installation and use, underground cable transfer box does not need to consider personnel to enter the operation. Buried optical handover box is configured with the internal configuration of the end, splicing, wiring, optical splitting, pigtail parking, redundant fiber storage, cable fixed open stripping protection, cable management and other functional modules, the internal functional components of reasonable planning and zoning management, in the buried way to scientifically achieve all the functions of the optical cable handover equipment should have. External Environment: Above-ground ambient temperature:40℃~+55℃. Internal temperature The internal working temperature of the buried light interchange box should be:10℃~30℃. Internal humidity Relative humidity range inside the buried square cabin:≤90%(30℃2℃). Product Benefits No need to occupy ground and three-dimensional space, eliminating the need to declare land resources, and the project construction is highly controllable. It is easy to obtain the consent of municipalities and residential property owners for installation and construction. Avoid traffic collisions, unintentional damage by pedestrians or deliberate break-ins. The whole body is below the ground, completely free from "psoriasis". It is easy to coordinate with the existing facilities and environment, and does not affect either traffic safety or the city appearance after installation. Installation and maintenance are carried out on the ground, eliminating the difficulties and dangers of working at height. Eliminate the safety risks caused by overhead boxes in bad weather or wall-mounted boxes due to the aging of the load-bearing building. The insulation characteristics of the underground environment are conducive to ensuring the stability of communication quality and improving the service life of equipment. The box is made of high quality 304 stainless steel plate material, protection grade up to IP68. Full frontal operation, pull-out structure, fusion and wiring integration module operation, easy maintenance. Suitable for ribbon and bundle fiber optic cables. With reliable optical cable introduction and fixed, protective and grounding devices. Reasonable fiber coiling structure, to ensure that the fiber winding radius of any position is greater than 30mm. Adopt 12-core fusion and distribution integration module, each connection module can be withdrawn individually, easy to operate; Card mounting FC, SC and other adapters, adapters and the front of the chassis at an oblique angle, not only to ensure the radius of curvature of the jumper, but also to avoid arc light burns eyes; Buried fiber optic cable transfer box in and out of the cable should be used for special cable channels. The cable channel should be able to resist the buried environment of pressure, corrosion and other requirements, to provide good protection for the internal feeder. The cable channel interface should be well sealed, and no water leakage should occur. The cable channel should adopt a flexible and adjustable connection. The structure of the buried fiber optic cable handover box should have good structural strength, and all interfaces and welds, etc., should be well welded. After the completion of the cabin welding in the unpainted before, should be water pressure resistance test to verify the overall structure under water pressure leak-proof performance. Product Type Various core capacities are available according to customer needs, and structural designs can also be made according to actual needs to meet differential use requirements. Product Use Buried fiber optic cable transfer box is used for outdoor trunk cable and wiring fiber optic cable connection interface equipment, to achieve the fiber optic splicing, wiring has a direct connection and cross-connection function. buried fiber optic cable transfer box for ground location declaration difficulties, project construction is not controllable; need to be buried in the harsh environment of the underground. Product Application Tools Fiber optic fusion splicer, impact drill, lifting equipment, cement river sand, power meter, anhydrous ethanol, OTDR tester, dissecting pliers, fiber optic cutting knife, diagonal pliers, horizontal ruler, impact drill, screwdriver, bellows, black tape, optical power meter, pen red light source, etc. Frequently Asked Questions What is the waterproof and dustproof level of buried fiber optic cable transfer box? IP68。 Is the buried fiber optic cable transfer box can be customized according to demand? Yes. 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 1/2 Sheet Metal Traditional fiber optic cable transfer box 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/17 Sheet Metal Fiber optic cable termination box 1/1 Sheet Metal All-in-one fusion tray 1/2 Sheet Metal No-jump fiber optic cable transfer box

  • GJS03-M6AX-48C(GP223), Qianhong Communication

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Telecommunication GJS03-M6AX-48C(GP223) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 6 The product is suitable for outdoor fiber optic cable overhead, pipeline and other straight-through splicing and divergent splicing, the product has high strength mechanical properties, high sealing performance, strong corrosion resistance, excellent weather resistance, etc., can be mechanically repeated to open, high maintainability; reasonable structure layout, simple and quick construction operation. Application Scenario Outdoor overhead, pipeline and other common fiber optic cable splice splicing, can be used for urban or urban and rural common fiber optic network splicing protection. Structure picture Performance characteristics 1、The shell is produced by injection molding process of high-quality engineering plastics, with anti-UV and anti-aging additives, high mechanical strength; 2、The box body adopts single-ended in and out of the optical cable design structure, easy to install overhead hanging rods and other barrels can be quickly opened for maintenance and repair; no tools are required to open the box body; 3、the shell and the bottom with silicone rubber sealing ring, optical cable mouth using temperature-resistant heat-shrinkable tube sealing, good airtightness; 4、Box with electrical disconnection or connection function, optional air nozzle. Technical parameters or parameters table 1、Adapted to the ambient temperature: -40℃~+65℃. 2、Atmospheric pressure: 70~106Kpa. 3、Axial tension: 〉1000N/1min or more. 4、flattening: the box is filled with 40 ± 5kpa air pressure, should be able to withstand 2000N/100mm lateral uniform pressure, the force time is not less than 1min, after the test joint box does not leak, no deformation, no damage. 5、 impact: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a drop height of 1m, the mass of the steel ball 1.6Kg, the number of impacts for 3 times the impact. 6、bending: fiber optic splice box and fiber optic cable joints should be able to withstand bending tension load of 150N, bending angle ± 45 ° of 10 cycles of bending. 7、torsion: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a torque of not less than 50N-m, torsion angle ± 90 °, a total of 10 cycles of twisting. 8、Drop: The fiber optic cable connector box should be able to withstand 3 drops at a height of 2.2m, and after the test, the connector box should not leak, no deformation, no damage. 9、tensile strength: 〉2000N/10cm2 pressure, time 1min. 10、vibration: splice box to withstand vibration frequency of 10Hz, amplitude of ± 3mm, the number of vibration for 106 vibration, the fiber additional loss change value does not exceed 0.2dB. 11、Temperature cycle: -40℃~+65℃, internal air pressure 40(+5)Kpa, 10 times cycle, air pressure drop not more than 5kpa after room temperature. 12、fiber radius of curvature > 30mm, fiber splice tray additional attenuation ≤ 0.01dB. Commonly used tools for construction cross cutters, heaters or spray guns, sawyers, tape measures. Parameter table Model: GJS03-M4AX-AL-12-672C(GP321) Box material: PP Adapt to the diameter of fiber optic cable: oval hole: 10-25mm; small hole: 8-30mm Number of cable entry ports: 2+16 Maximum capacity of fusion fiber tray (core): 12 Maximum number of fusion cores (cores): 672 Fiber optic residual fiber intake device: Yes Sealing method: mechanical + heat shrink seal Fiber into the end type and the number of - Product use environment: overhead, pipeline, buried 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图5.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/5 Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 6 GJS03-M6AX-96C-I(GP339)

  • 室外防水方型落地支架Z1-4, 成都前宏

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 终端和服务器 室外防水方型落地支架Z1-4 人脸识别一体机 ​ 产品适用场景 小区、校园出入口等。 产品特点 防水、防风、易安装、金属材质。 产品关键参数 产品安装事例 点击下载产品手册 相关产品

  • Outdoor Cabinets - Battery Cabinets, Qianhong Communication

    产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Telecommunication Outdoor Cabinets - Battery Cabinets Sheet Metal The battery cabinet for base station is a special cabinet to provide uninterrupted power supply for communication base stations and related equipment, which can be placed with various types of lead-acid batteries or lithium iron phosphate batteries to provide power supply for base stations and related equipment to ensure continuous operation of base stations without interruption of services under extreme conditions, help customers to improve the comprehensive service capability of upgrading communication system platforms and meet customer needs. Product Benefits (1) Small and beautiful, compact housing (less than 0.8 m2/unit) (2) Modular design, with high reliability, simple maintenance, flexible combination according to the different needs of customers (3) Support multi-scene and multi-functional applications (rooftop stations, street stations, suburban stations, operator co-stations, etc.) (4) Made of high quality hot-dip galvanized sheet with flame retardant material (5) Good insulation effect (PU core not less than 45MM) (6) Outdoor waterproof rating IP55 (7) Low cost of site selection (8) Compatible with a wide range of battery models (9) Support cabinet expansion (10) Intelligent temperature control system Product Type Product use (1) The installation of the cabinet fixed function: can be installed and fixed various types of lead-acid batteries or lithium iron phosphate batteries (2) Cabinet line management function: the cabinet has a variety of internal line management slot, line management frame, line management board and alignment channel, etc., to provide a very convenient wiring management for a variety of equipment installed inside the cabinet (3) Cabinet protection function: the cabinet is a relatively closed space, the cabinet door can be closed to the internal equipment to play a protective role to prevent damage from the outside, such as rats can be prevented from entering the cabinet inside the equipment or cable into the line damage (4) The cabinet can integrate refrigeration, access control, cabinet, lighting, fire protection, dynamic monitoring, emergency ventilation and other systems, and complete the integrated management of all subsystems through the monitoring system. (5) Provide reliable temperature control and regulation system for the full and stable operation of communication transmission equipment (6) Provide reliable grounding protection system for communication transmission equipment and cabinets. Product application tools All-in-one cabinets can be fully applied to business outlets (telecommunications, finance, energy, broadcasting, retail) small businesses, large enterprises, government, education, medical branches and networks between the edge of the data center, the use of tools need to be applied to: fusion machine, fiber optic cutting knife, fiber optic tester, pen red light source, optical power meter, dissecting pliers, diagonal pliers, screwdriver, the need to prepare the construction materials are: Anhydrous ethanol, adhesive tape, flexible plastic tape, fireproof mud, corrugated pipe, etc. Frequently Asked Questions Do you support non-standard product customization in addition to the above equipment sizes? Support, customers can put forward specific requirements according to their needs, the company supports non-standard customized products, can provide the corresponding battery specifications and related requirements, to provide non-standard design. What is the difference between the power supply of an integrated cabinet battery cabinet and a traditional cabinet? All-in-one cabinet battery cabinet can provide uninterrupted power supply for base stations and cabinets to ensure that equipment in extreme conditions such as power outages can ensure normal operation of equipment, while configured with a precision cooling system to ensure normal operation of IT equipment, with dynamic loop monitoring system to monitor the working status of equipment in real time. The integrated cabinet adopts a fully sealed design and can be used in a variety of harsh indoor environments without the need to set up separate server rooms. What are the advantages of an all-in-one cabinet? (1) Compared with traditional server room, integrated server room structure is simpler, factory pre-verification test is more standardized, safe and reliable compared with on-site construction; fully sealed design to eliminate the outside air dust and corrosive gases on IT equipment; dynamic loop monitoring system to monitor the infrastructure in a comprehensive manner, timely alarm abnormal conditions, security and worry-free. (2) More time-saving and labor-saving construction of the site, the modular design of the product allows the site to be installed and delivered within a day, more than 2 times faster than the traditional construction mode. (3) smaller footprint, a single cabinet covers an area of only 0.6m2 minimum, closed design, strong environmental adaptability, no decoration, flooring and other supporting works, effectively reducing the cost of building the station, fully enclosed refrigeration to enhance the energy efficiency of the whole machine, so that the total cost of ownership significantly reduced. (4) better management, one-stop after-sales service can deal with all kinds of equipment failure problems in a timely manner, saving time and effort; standard with dynamic loop monitoring system, local, remote monitoring and management, more multi-network access to the upper management platform unified supervision, diversified options to support. (5) Integrated and integrated design, integrated cabinet integration of UPS power supply, power distribution, refrigeration, access control, cabinets, lighting, fire, dynamic monitoring, emergency ventilation and many other systems, through the monitoring system to achieve integrated management of all subsystems to create an integrated product, simplify the design, procurement and construction process. 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 1/2 Sheet Metal Traditional fiber optic cable transfer box 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/17 Sheet Metal Fiber optic cable termination box 1/1 Sheet Metal All-in-one fusion tray 1/2 Sheet Metal No-jump fiber optic cable transfer box

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